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אורה, 31


Hair loss problem

After having a miscarriage and then getting pregnant again, my skin took a huge hit from hormones. I suffered from hair loss that seemed to me to be one of the worst that the doctors had encountered, to the point of balding in some areas of my hair, I wore a hat on my head out of shame and could not take care of it during the stages of pregnancy, I became anxious and stressed which made the situation worse. I would look in the mirror and cry because I thought my hair would never go back to the way it was and I would have to use a wig or hair extensions of some kind. During the end of my pregnancy I happened to come across a Facebook post of the CALI products and I knew I would use them immediately after giving birth, there was a great sale and I purchased them. On the recommendation of the nice representative, I also combined the DTOX supplement used for detoxification, which helped me feel better from the inside after the trauma my body went through. The shedding calmed down completely after two months of use and 3 months later new hair started to grow on the head. Since then I have been using these products regularly to maintain my appearance, it is definitely a product that I would recommend to anyone!

מאיה, בת 33


Addiction to smoking and sweets

I'm just so excited about my results, in the first two weeks of using the capsules for hair loss – I enthusiastically told and recommended to anyone who was willing to listen to me.
I suffered from severe hair loss as a result of amateur straightening, my hair was burnt, brittle and falling out and the medicated shampoo I used did not help., I received comments at work that my hair was everywhere and at home I left my hair everywhere and in the shower the amounts fell out every day. I knew I had to take care of it and I didn't know what to buy. I entered the CALI website and in fact the products also touched my pigmentation problem, from which I suffer due to excessive exposure to the sun, the products gave me a radiant look that I did not think was possible. The products helped me get rid of the unwanted pigmentation on my face, while treating my hair I felt great. CALI products will be a regular part of my skincare routine from now on – after seeing how amazing my skin can be and at the same time my hair is back to being shiny and long, I know I have found the perfect product for my beauty.

בר, בת 27


Addiction to smoking and sweets

I've been using CALI products since January and I really like the result, I'm not going to lie, I was worried that my addiction to sweets at all hours of the day wouldn't disappear forever, but now I can say that it's working, I smoke much less, eat very little sweets but try to drink more water!It's just worth the try!

אנה, בת 31


Addiction to smoking and sweets

I suddenly felt like I could break out after never having had eating disorders and obesity. After my second birth I suffered from severe eating disorders during the day, the new baby that came into the world did not give me much rest and time for myself, I started gaining weight in an uncontrolled way. The product helped me more than I could have imagined. I didn't think you could trust capsules because there are many on the market and they don't always guarantee results. These products completely changed my body, first of all it helped me control my cravings for sweets in the morning and let me reach the evening hours calmer and less stressed than the previous day, the supplement for the night helped me sleep well and even when I woke up I would go back to sleep without a problem. I feel much more confident with the products that helped me change my eating habits during the time I am in. It was definitely a journey, but their team helped me so much through the process. I thank you for everything, thank you.

מיכל, בת 37


Pigmentation, premature aging of the skin.

I have been using your skin care products for almost 3 months. I noticed fast results after only 3 weeks. For a long time I wanted to treat my pigmentation and thought about laser treatment. I came across the products through a post on Instagram and very quickly changed my thinking about invasive treatment and the product made me look young and radiant, reduced my pigmentation to almost nothing and also helped the regeneration of my skin that suffered from a lack of elasticity and wrinkles – it's really amazing!

קרולין, בת 35


Skin and nutrition problems

I want to say thank you to the CALI team, the products have changed my life. I had bad melasma type pigmentation and then pregnancy made it worse. I wouldn't leave the house without makeup, it made me feel so self-conscious. I have 2 small children so I don't have much time for grooming. The fact that I can now leave the house with only sunscreen and no makeup and feel better about myself. I feel wonderful. I couldn't be more pleased with the result. In addition, the BALANCE supplement gave me a balance to my sweet cravings late at night when I have to wake up a lot because of my 2 little ones and this sometimes requires me to stay awake.

מעיין, 35


Pigmentation problems, dryness, acne and oily skin.

The period was amazing. Within a month I noticed that the pores in my skin were enlarged, the pigmentation was lightened and now after three months I have no acne and my scars have disappeared on a large part of my face. I combined collagen because it contains components that contribute to dryness in the skin, which actually increases the appearance of fine lines, and I really wanted to add it to my eyes. On the recommendation of the amazing representatives, I also purchased the DETOX supplement, which actually helps in detoxification, which is important for the health of the body, because if you don't smoke it from the inside, the body will run out and the cells will not function at their best. , it was very helpful to the process. I had nothing to do with the side effects and these products saved me money and trouble in contacting dermatologists and compared to other products I tried such as creams recommended by beauticians. Never replace these products!

קטי, בת 37


Acne problem and sweet cravings

Before I met CALI I had acne scars on my forehead but also a few in other places on my face, I got to the point where I was laughing at myself! After two months of using the product the results were fast! I noticed the results only after the first 4 weeks of using the RENEW capsules, I also combined the COLLAGEN product on the recommendation of the amazing staff because it contains components that renew the skin and it was not harmful for me to use, the dermatologists advised me to reduce the consumption of sweeteners because they encourage pimples on the skin, That's why I also combined DETOX.One jar was enough for me for a month, I bought a couple on sale.

שרה, בת 29


Pigmentation problem and dark circles around the eyes

Hey, it took me a while to send this because honestly I was so upset with my before photos, but now, given what the skin was before, I can't keep the photos to myself!
I have already told and recommended your products to all my friends! Within a few days I could already feel the difference in my skin. I received so many compliments that the spots disappeared and I recommended you on Facebook and Instagram so that others can also get similar results. I just want to say a big thank you for developing products that really work! My pigmentation is gone, and the dark circles are almost all gone, the overall texture of the skin is perfect  – no more puffiness under the eye! Now I really leave the house with minimal makeup, something I haven't done since school.

אמיליה, בת 36


the problem of obesity

I have been using CALI products consistently for 3 months and I am happy with the results! I managed to lose almost 22 kilos without training. Which is more than half of what my body will lose further down the road.The combination of the products and their use made my body return to the way it looked in my youth.I was concerned with the recommendation of the lovely staff to incorporate a nutrition menu for faster weight loss that they put together for me at no extra cost. I can strongly recommend CALI as a worthwhile investment.

מירי, בת 45


The problem of hair loss, pigmentation and skin aging

I have been suffering from pigmentation for many years. I apply sunscreen every day, I tried treatments at beauticians and it always came back to me. I tried creams and serums that were recommended to me, they didn't help, it was like a temporary band-aid. When the hair fell out, I was referred to a dermatologist and spent a lot of money on medicated preparations and shampoo, it didn't help much. As for the aging of the skin, I understood that it was age and I accepted it, but I didn't know that there was an easy solution that could renew the skin and reduce wrinkles, it turns out that not only hyaluronic acid It is the solution that is actually temporary and expensive. So let me tell you: I did not get such results with all the products I used in the past, I had complete faith and purchased the ultimate package for me. The pigmentation is almost gone, the wrinkles are no longer visible and most importantly my hair is full of health And glow. I trusted the great reviews. I'm so glad it's only been 8 weeks since I started using the products so thank you so much for saving a lot of money in the future!

תמר, בת 27


The problem of skin aging

I love the results and the products are definitely worth the money.At the beginning of 2020, my skin was in the worst condition it's ever been in, fine lines appeared around my eyes and the skin was dry and lackluster, I'm someone who is exposed to the sun a lot and maybe it was caused by that. But I'm so glad I came across CALI's Instagram post. I always wanted smooth and glowing skin and at the same time a tan. Now it happened, since I've been using COLLAGEN I'm simply my own doctor. I've been using this for 3 months and I love my skin without makeup (the best and healthiest it's ever been). I no longer have to hide behind makeup!

Ariela, 30 years old


the problem of obesity

I was always full, I thought it was related to lack of physical activity. I signed up for a gym and indeed combined training and a healthy diet for six months. But unfortunately it didn't depend on that, although the body was stronger and more muscular, but there were many layers of fat that got in the way and I wanted to get in shape. The figures of my body were not suitable for the weight and I had to put an end to it!I purchased three ancillary products on the recommendation of the lovely representatives that will help me in the process. One capsule in the morning and one in the evening solved the problem thanks to the components found in them my body took a different shape.Apart from that, I was more energetic in my training and less tired thanks to the BALANCE supplement which made sure to wake me up great during the day. With the products I lost the first 12 kilos, I combined less training because I didn't want too many muscles. I took advantage of the subscription at the gym in favor of the classes and staying in the pool, which I really like. My body took a different shape and of course feels lighter. The metabolism was not affected either and on the contrary even the products helped him. Along the way I had assistance from CALI representatives who made sure to give me good tips for the rest of the process.I recommend it to anyone who wants to get safe weight loss results, you are in good hands with these products and the amazing team behind it!

צאלה, בת 27


The problem of dryness and premature aging of the skin

I have always suffered from dry skin, many visits to beauticians who gave many preparations that cost quite a bit in order for the appearance of my skin to improve, unfortunately it helped but for a very short period of time and I had to shortly return to regular treatment at my regular beautician, dry skin is an unpleasant thing and it is also Tends to age faster and lose its elasticity, on the recommendation of CALI representatives I purchased several products that both helped my skin to look more radiant and also improved the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin from which I suffered, now I can say that I use basic products for my skin such as: serum, moisturizer and sunscreen only in order to protect my skin more. I visit the beautician once every several months to get a routine treatment, the CALI products have helped my skin a lot, saved me a lot of money which is a shame I couldn't have saved earlier.Highly recommend!

לירז, בת 26


Pigmentation problem

I started using CALI after the birth, because during the pregnancy I suffered from unexplained pigmentation that remained on my skin even after the birth, the dermatologists recommended not to be exposed to the sun and so I did – but I did not have the patience to wait a very long time for my skin to return to normal. I decided to use BALANCE and the results were not long in coming, about a month later I already saw a tremendous change in the mustache area and on my chin where I had very dark spots, they simply disappeared after 4 weeks of use. I combined the product BALANCE so that I would not experience falls in my mood and that I would always be uplifted and alert, an excellent supplement to balance the daily routine, I also felt less tired and more energetic, which was exactly what I needed during this period. My skin changed quickly and was even more radiant than before. I'm really excited to say I recommend your products to everyone!

טליה, בת 32


Hair loss problem

Hello to everyone who reads my opinions, after 2 pregnancies I lost a very large amount of hair, I purchased a number of hair loss products on the recommendation of the sales attendant who was present in the stores I purchased from, unfortunately it did not help. I was sure that I would soon have no hair left and this worried me terribly, I took a number of vitamins on the recommendation of a pharmacy salesman and this attempt was also a failure, in the meantime the hair loss was severe and it prevented me from straightening or coloring my hair because I was terribly afraid that this type of chemical action would cause my hair to fall out completely To fall out, I got depressed about it because my hair was very long and relatively full and at that time I was already thinking about hair extensions to improve the look.I came across a post on Instagram, I went in to be impressed and I didn't hesitate to buy the product because from the amount of disappointments I told myself that another one wouldn't hurt the collection, after a long use that this time I was convinced to be careful every day, I noticed a radical change in my hair that stopped falling out, then its shine returned and all the thinning of the hair disappeared After only one month of use, I still make sure to use it because I am really satisfied with the results, thank you very much for the fast service and the motivation you gave me to use and not be disappointed!

תהילה, בת 28


Eating disorders and obesity

Now honestly, I lost over 20 kilos in this process and I'm still going and not taking my foot off the gas.I thank CALI for accompanying me in the process, the service was amazing, it may sound ridiculous that I talk like this, but your products not only changed my appearance, they had the biggest impact on my self-confidence, which mostly depended on the weight I suffered from over the years. This may sound completely ridiculous to those reading, but for anyone who has ridden the unfair and relentless roller coaster that is weight gain you must understand how much it drags us down when we are not happy with how we look, on the outside.And if you are overweight, this product is for you! In February 2020 I weighed almost 88 kilos when my height is 1.60 I experienced bouts of uncontrollable eating and I didn't want to go and sign up for the gym on the recommendation of friends because I wasn't careful and I don't have that much time either, I'm a very busy person. One of the hardest problems I had was my self-confidence that was damaged And the anxieties. I decided to take the reins into my own hands and, on the recommendation of a company that uses other CALI products, I saw that there was also a solution to my problem, I simply purchased and received amazing service throughout the process, already in the first week I saw a decrease and it only continued. The three products also contribute to the decrease in the morning, during the day and especially at night Not to mention the money I wasted on products and diets that didn't help. This is the perfect product for me and I'm sure for many other women. I got back my health, my self-confidence and most importantly the look I wished for in this whole process, so thanks for the support!

קרן, בת 33


smoking cessation

I first heard about the product through Instagram, an innocent advertisement for beauty products. I entered the website and saw that there is also a product that helps to quit cravings and smoking – I didn't believe that such a thing existed that really works great for me. I wanted to quit smoking for a long time and whenever I stopped for a few days I ate the whole fridge, because I had nothing to lean on in the process, every time I went back to smoking it really kept my stomach and helped me in stressful situations. I considered for a few weeks whether to buy or not and in the end my heart told me to go for it. I purchased it but then I thought, "How can only a few products achieve amazing results?"… I quickly realized that it not only helped me control my smoking cessation but also balanced my cravings for food and weight gain as a result of the body not consuming cigarettes, the product BALANCE helped me with my cravings during the day and balanced my blood sugar levels.Today I am after almost 3 months without smoking and I feel really good about myself, in the future I will also use skin care products, there is no doubt that my skin was damaged from the time I smoked.After I am aware that there is such a product, I continue with my detox until the moment when I decide to stop using the product, paying for the products is better and more economical for me than paying for the cigarettes.And the continuation – depends on me, but the results are amazing.

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